Tuesday, August 16, 2016


A letter to a friend I worked with
November 5, 1963

Dear Gloria,

I realized I hadn't written since I paid my visit to you and the gang at C/R last July, so its time to bring you up to date again. I haven't been home since then, but plan on a visit this month.

My mother came to K.C. for three days last month and I worked the flight she took from K.C. to LAX. She had not been on one of my flights before. I gave her the Royal Ambassador treatment in First Class and she loved it.

Tomorrow I am flying to Butler, PA for my roommates wedding. We've been together since training, so I will miss her as a roommate. (My roommate, Jan and I have maintained our friendship and get together often. She and her husband will be celebrating 53 years of marriage this November.)

Kathleen (my sister) is expecting her baby around Thanksgiving and we're very anxious for the big day. I hope it's late so I'll be home for the baptism early in December. (My niece, Kelly, is now a very successful business woman, happily married with two sons and three grandchildren.)

Guess I'll just be in K.C. for another five months. I put my transfer through to fly International. Training is in April and I'll be based in New York. I finally made the decision about two months ago. I like Kansas City, but it's time for a change. I don't know how to explain it, but I need to learn more, see more and experience more. Although  I don't relish the thought of living in a big city like New York, flying International will be completely different and I'll be able to hold flights to Paris, Rome, Germany, Switzerland, Spain and England. If I'm not happy in New York, I can transfer back to domestic after six months. I may give San Francisco a try then. (Little did I know that a whole new wonderful world was awaiting me the following Spring.)

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