Tuesday, November 22, 2011


June 7, 1962

Dear Mother,
     This morning Jane O'Boyle called me. She's Superintendent of hostesses, and I couldn't imagine why she was calling me. She said I had been requested for a charter to Las Vegas and wanted to know if it was o.k. I was so happy! This is the one for the Illinois Jaycees and Kathleen and Marilyn Genz are going to be on it too. I sad "yes", of course, and they'll have to adjust my schedule. I can't wait now.
    Tonight I am going to a Drive-In with Jack. I haven't been to a Drive-In since I left Ill. It's going to be a nice night to be outside.
     Buzz called . Haven't heard from him in a month. He asked me out, so I thought I might as well since Jack is getting "too steady". I am afraid he's snowed and I'm not about to have another "Jack problem". If he says I'm wonderful one more time, I'll slug him. Out of the clear blue sky last night he asked me if my father was living. He didn't think he was because I only talked about you.  Then he really complimented you, mother dear, as other boys have before. He said he certainly would like to meet you and thinks you must be a remarkable woman to raise three daughters on your own. He said he never met a girl like me with such a level head. Oh dear....here we go again! Heaven forbid!
     Jan had her kidney operation Monday. Haven't heard how she is, and am anxious to know.
                Love, Tish

June 15, 1962

Dear Mother,

You'll never believe what happened on my flight last night. Out of IDL (NY) we had 22 passengers in First Class to serve drinks and cheese and crackers in one hour to PIT. The other girl had only been flying a month. Well,we didn't quite make it. People still had drinks and stuff. I just sat down before we touched the ground, and realized I failed to shut two doors on the galley carriers, and when the thrust reversed, the doors opened and about 100 glasses came crashing out. You've never heard such a horrible crashing sound before. They kept on coming and kept on coming.  The cockpit dooor flew open and the flight engineer asked me if we were o.k. It must have been horribile for them to hear that noise on landing. I've never seen such a mess. There were cherries and olives and broken glass all over the galley. I was sick. The man who came to clean it up had to use a shovel!  Boy, was I embarrassed. That's never going to happen to me again! (And, for the next 29 years, it never did!).
     I cleaned, did my hand washing of blouse slips, cuffs and gloves. Then Jack called and wanted to know if I could get and I.D. (I was still only 20 years old.) to go to The Castaways. It's a hangout for college kids and they have three fellas who entertain and are supposed to be like The Kingston Trio. Doubt if I can get one. Anna will be home tonight, but I would never get away with using hers! (Anna was a tall blue-eyed blond.)
     Got a letter from Jan. She said the scar is quite large and to forget the 2-piece bathing suit from now on.
                        Love, Tish

June 20, 1962  Cleveland, Ohio

Dear Mother,     \
     This has been quite a day. We were up at 04:30 for our flight. Sara (my supervisor) met us at the airport as she stayed at the airport hotel instead of here. I worked "A" and Ann worked "B" - Sara observed. Oh, does she observe. I felt like her eyes were glaring at me! We had 46 passengers with breakfast to Dayton. I made all the announcements okay, and didn't' think I had done anything "wrong", but I figured she'd find something. I just figured that's what she's there for, and I was open for her suggestions. Well, when we deplaned all the passengers, she came up to me and said, "Tish, you do an excellent job. I wasted a Sunday coming out to check you. You're my prized pupil. I'm going to have to write Kathy (my sister) and tell her what an excellent job you did."  Well. I beamed from ear to ear and almost floated all day. Isn't that terrific?!
     Our next leg started with stormy weather, and the seat belt sign was on the whole way to CVG. and out of there we were supposed to serve dinner, but couldn't, as it was so bumpy. The captain was a complete nut and introduced us over the P.A. (They never did that in the  "old days".) He was so funny, the people were all laughing out loud. Then he had music playing over the P.A. practically the whole way. We finally had time to serve a beverage and the people were given meal tickets. Everyone was in such a gay mood by the time the flight was over, they didn't even care about their meals. They all said what a good flight they had when they got off. It just makes all the difference when the Captain explains what's going on, and having a sense of humor sure does help. Some of those guys never open their mouths, and we take the brunt of the passengers disappointment when we can't serve.
     One little girl was in the lav after all the turbulence and I was helping her wash her hands. I guess she was around 7 or 8, and she turned to me and said, "I'm going to throw up." I said "WHAT?"  And, she said, "I'm going to throw up." - and looked white as a ghost. I just wanted to say "No you can't NOW, little girl - not NOW!!! Well, I came to my senses, and grabbed a white bag and told her to throw up. And, she did - not once, but three times - and she hit the bag 2 out of 3 times! The one miss ran down my left leg (gag!). Surprisingly, I held up very well, and cleaned up the whole mess - on me - on her - and on the floor. I walked her back to her mother and explained what had happened.
     Other than that, everything on this flight was dull.  Ha ha. Better close as I have to get up at 04:00.         
              Love, Tish

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